Cancer Misdiagnosis

Misdiagnosed cancer can have devastating consequences which can go as far as resulting in the loss of life. Medical professionals, including your GP, have a duty of care to ensure thorough, relevant checks and tests are completed and assessed to correctly confirm your condition.

When cancer is suspected, there is an expected standard of care the medical professional should follow, if this is not provided or results have been missed in some way, and the patient’s condition worsens as a result, this may be due to medical negligence.

Cancer negligence may stem from:

  • Cancer Misdiagnosis
  • Delayed diagnosis of cancer
  • Wrongful treatment of cancer

The four most common cancers are breast cancer, lung cancer, large bowel cancer and prostate cancer. These types of cancers account for over half of all new cases with over 75% of cancer occurring in people over the age of 60.

A failure to diagnose cancer can lead to unnecessary suffering and the need for further treatment, which could have been avoided if the cancer diagnosis had been identified at an earlier stage.

Delays and misdiagnosis of cancer can occur in circumstances involving your GP or other healthcare professionals, for example, test results can be misinterpreted resulting in a misdiagnosis. Further delays in a referral to a cancer specialist can lead to delays in treatment which give rise to a claim for medical negligence.

A claim must first satisfy two requirements:

  • Did your medical professional breach his/her duty of care?
  • Did this breach result in pain and suffering to the patient?

The most commonly misdiagnosed cancers include:

  • Bowel cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Testicular cancer

If you or someone you know has experienced these types of medical errors, which has led to pain and suffering, OP Law can help you seek financial compensation. Our experienced team will guide you through the complex legal process, ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome to your compensation claim.