Care home negligence is where someone who lives in a care home is subjected to poor treatment. Sometimes the most vulnerable do not receive the medical help they require and are left abused, neglected or injured by day homes, care homes, residential care homes or hospitals. In 2018 researchers for the consumer group Which? found that half of the major care home providers in England were failing their elderly residents in at least a quarter of their properties. For some, the proportion is even higher, with 63 per cent of one firm’s homes not meeting the required standards.
No one likes to think that a relative has been abused while supposedly in care. But it’s important to look out for the tell-tale signs of abuse, which include: unexplained bruises, cuts, burns or other abrasions to the skin and bed sores.
There are many examples of care home negligence, some of the most common being:
If you suspect your loved one is a victim of abuse or neglect, contact us today. We will work with you to help to find out where things have gone wrong and why.