GP Negligence

Have you or a loved one ever suffered due to GP negligence? Perhaps, you want to claim compensation, but are unsure who to turn to or how to go about it. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Now you can get free consultation from our experienced lawyers to know whether you are entitled to financial compensation for clinical negligence.

A general practitioner is often the first medical expert you visit when you fall ill or get injured. More often than not, you receive standard treatment from your doctor. In some cases, however, mistakes or negligence might occur. If the treatment you receive falls below the expected standard or if you suffer due to inappropriate treatment, you have the right claim compensation.

Common Reasons for GP Negligence Claims

General practitioners treat a wide range of medical conditions. They usually don’t have a specialization in a particular disease or organ. They are mainly responsible for preliminary diagnosis. This means that surgical errors or mistakes in complicated treatment usually do not establish strong grounds for GP negligence claims. Here are some examples of situations where you can file a claim against your GP:

  • Failure to refer to a specialist or referring to the wrong specialist
  • Mistakes or delays in diagnosis
  • Failure to recognize the severity of a disease
  • Not taking quick medical actions that could have prevented further damage
  • Not considering medical history of a patient
  • Misinterpreting the test reports

If you have suffered due to any of these or other reasons, you are entitled to file a claim for compensation. You can seek compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, mental sufferings, and several other losses that occurred as a consequence of the clinical negligence.

However, filing a clinical negligence claim is easier said than done. You will need an experienced and skilled lawyer to prepare the claim, file it and defend it on your behalf. This is where our team can be of immense help. With years of experience in this field, we will not only let you know whether you have a case, we will support you through the entire process of filing a claim in such a way that you get the best results.

And you don’t have to choose us in a hurry. First take a look at some of the benefits of choosing our services.

How we can help you

We listen to you sympathetically – We understand the amount of mental strain you may have suffered due to GP & doctor negligence.

We help you make informed decisions – Our lawyers know the law regarding medical negligence inside out. They make you aware of your rights, so that you can take the right decision.

We fight for you – Depending upon the complexity of your case, we find you the best solicitor for your claim. Our lawyer ensures that you get the best possible outcome.

We keep you in the loop – Winning a GP & doctor negligence claim usually takes time. We keep you updated throughout the process and are always there to answer your questions.

Remember that you can make a claim within three years from the time you first realise that you have been a victim of GP & doctor negligence. So, don’t delay this anymore. Contact us today.